p1ge0n Messaging Categories

Messages that can be sent with p1ge0n fall into four broad categories. The image below gives an example.

  1. Alert monitoring: tells the user when the machine is unable to continue operations due to a problem on the line
  2. Problem Troubleshooting: Cause of stop, Negative trends in data, Issue with sensors
  3. Productivity Monitoring: Length of time between machine stop and restart, Machine efficiency, Production count
  4. PMI notification: Upcoming required maintenance, Need for additional material, Sensor failure

Pressure gauge: Monitors pressure going to the equipment and sends to the PLC

MessageAlert MonitoringProblem TroubleshootingProductivity MonitoringPMI notification
“Air pressure on Machine 1 too high/low”YESYES
“Sudden drop in air pressure detected”YES
“Unable to attain acceptable air pressure”YESYES
“Air pressure of 50psi reached at 7:15am”YES
“Air pressure failed at 8:45am and recovered at 3:35pm”YES

Proximity Sensors 1 & 2: Monitors Pneumatic Cylinder position.  One signals when it’s all the way out, the other when it’s all the way in.

MessageAlert MonitoringProblem TroubleshootingProductivity MonitoringPMI notification
“Pneumatic cylinder on Press 1 sensor mismatch.  Check sensor function”YESYESYES
“Pneumatic cylinder failed to fully engage (out/in)”YESYES
“Pneumatic cylinder failed to fully engage last 5 attempts”YESYES
“Pneumatic cylinder stuck in open/closed position”YESYES

Proximity Sensor 3: signals PLC when a part goes by on the conveyor

MessageAlert MonitoringProblem TroubleshootingProductivity MonitoringPMI notification
“10/24/22 production count of PN D1256 was 3025”YES
“Hour 1 production count was 105”YES
“Parts not moving on conveyor”YESYES
“Lower production count than expected between 7:30 and 8:00am”YESYESYES
“Parts have not moved in 15 minutes, check on the cell”YES
“Production stopped at 8:34am.  Production resumed at 8:49am”YES
“10/24/22 line efficiency: 60.1%”YES